Split waveguide

The split waveguide is a square waveguide that after a propagation distance $l_1$ splits in two square waveguides separated by an angle $\alpha$.

In [1]:
from pypropagate import *
%matplotlib inline

Setting up the propagators

We create a settings object to store the propagator settings.

In [2]:
settings = presets.settings.create_paraxial_wave_equation_settings()

We create a settings category that stores the paramters of the split waveguide. This allows a more flexible simulation routines we may change the paramter values at any point before initializing a propagator.

In [3]:
sw = settings.create_category('split_waveguide',short_name='SW')
sw.create_symbol('l_1',info='propagation length before split')
sw.create_symbol('alpha',info='separation angle')
sw.create_symbol('d',info='waveguide profile edge length')
sw.create_symbol('n_core',info='refractive index in the guiding core')
sw.create_symbol('n_cladding',info='refractive index in the cladding');

Using these paramters we define the position depenent index of refraction.

In [4]:
s = settings.symbols

settings.wave_equation.n = pc.piecewise(
    (sw.n_core,(abs(s.x)<sw.d/2) & (abs(s.y)<sw.d/2) & (s.z <= sw.l_1)), # initial channel
    (sw.n_core,(abs(s.x - pc.tan(sw.alpha) * (s.z - sw.l_1) ) < sw.d/2) & (abs(s.y)<sw.d/2) & (s.z > sw.l_1)), # upper channel
    (sw.n_core,(abs(s.x + pc.tan(sw.alpha) * (s.z - sw.l_1) ) < sw.d/2) & (abs(s.y)<sw.d/2) & (s.z > sw.l_1)), # lower channel
    (sw.n_cladding,True) # cladding


$$\begin{cases} {n}_{{\text{core} }_{\text{SW} } } & \text{if } \left( \left| \left( z-{l}_{{1}_{\text{SW} } } \right) \, \text{tan} \mathopen{} \left({\alpha }_{\text{SW} } \right) \mathclose{} +x \right| < \frac{{d}_{\text{SW} } }{2} \, \land \left| y \right| < \frac{{d}_{\text{SW} } }{2} \, \land {l}_{{1}_{\text{SW} } } < z \right) \lor \left( \left| x \right| < \frac{{d}_{\text{SW} } }{2} \, \land \left| y \right| < \frac{{d}_{\text{SW} } }{2} \, \land z\le {l}_{{1}_{\text{SW} } } \right) \lor \left( \left| x-\left( z-{l}_{{1}_{\text{SW} } } \right) \, \text{tan} \mathopen{} \left({\alpha }_{\text{SW} } \right) \mathclose{} \right| < \frac{{d}_{\text{SW} } }{2} \, \land \left| y \right| < \frac{{d}_{\text{SW} } }{2} \, \land {l}_{{1}_{\text{SW} } } < z \right) \\ {n}_{{\text{cladding} }_{\text{SW} } } & \text{otherwise } \end{cases}$$

Numerical values

We now set all numerical paramter values for the simulation, including the simulation box size, boundary conditions and photon energy.

In [5]:

In [6]:
sw.n_core = 1
sw.n_cladding = presets.medium.create_material('Ti',settings)
sw.l_1 = 0.2 * units.mm
sw.d = 70 * units.nm
sw.alpha = 0.01 * units.degrees

Set a simulation box size to plot the index of refraction.

In [7]:

Calculating the stationary field

We use the 2D Finite Difference Prpagator to get the full stationary solution. We plot a slice of the field in the $y = 0$ slice.

In [8]:

In [9]:
propagator = propagators.FiniteDifferences3D(settings)

propagating:|█████████████████████| 999/999 [253.0s < 0(0)s]]

Plotting the exit field

In [10]: